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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sizing help

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I made a post a while ago about getting the ccm u skate we'll I don't end up droping that much money on them cause of my knee. My question is I skate in a paid of 9.5 xxxx and they felt good but I don't want spend that much on skates I was wondering if the flex lite 18 sized the same as the xxxx

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It would be best to try them on if you can, but if that's not an option for you then from what I've read the sizing of the Flexlites and XXXX's should be about the same lengthwise. Now the rest of the fit may not be the same, but using your XXXX's as a guideline is a good start.

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Well, if you can't find them at a LHS nearby then you could try to look for some Flexlite 10s or 12's on ebay. The Flexlite 18s are basically the old 10s and the 12s would have even more features. It might be tough finding your size. If you mean internet retailers I'd suggest searching here as there are topics on that, but did have a good experience with inlinewarehouse.com in the past. Hockeygiant has some good deals, however; I haven't ordered anything from there in years since as a Canadian I got dinged with a huge brokerage fee the last time I did that...inlinewarehouse is one of the only sites that ships USPS. Most of the other major sites ship via UPS or Fedex. If you're in the US then that doesn't matter, but if you're outside of the US that means huge brokerage fees.

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