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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm going to go pick up a pair of either 9k's or U+ tomorrow, most likely the 9'ks.

If I was to bake them around 11 O clock, and put them in the freezer around 12, could I go for a skate in them by 3?

Also I couldn't find any help when i search for them....does anyone have any exsperience with them?

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I'm going to go pick up a pair of either 9k's or U+ tomorrow, most likely the 9'ks.

If I was to bake them around 11 O clock, and put them in the freezer around 12, could I go for a skate in them by 3?

Also I couldn't find any help when i search for them....does anyone have any exsperience with them?

What size skate you need?

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Why risk it? Don't bake and play with them. You might realize you don't even need to bake them at all. But do not rapidly heat and cool materials that will be going through as much wear and tear as your skates will. For the money spent, why bother?

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