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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Striped axels

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So me n my good friend both needed new skates this summer. I opted for the Code Carbons, he went with the Boss's. He just tried to change out the wheels for the 1st time, and they wont budge. Its a 1 sided axle and now hes got multiple stripped axles because they refused to unscrew. He sent an email to mission asking for help. Anything else he should/can do?

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a bunch of people had this problem. I emailed mission they sent me new axles right away.

mission sending axles dont really help with getting em out.

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Stripped screws or axles in this case is actually a pretty easy fix. Any decent metal shop has seen this problem a thousand times before and will be able to help you quickly and for very little money.

If the head of the fastener is stripped or in other words you rounded out the eye your going to need to bond a small piece of metal to the screw head to create a handle of sorts, either by spot welding or epoxy. If you use Epoxy you can do all the stripped heads and once, wait until they dry and then use your bonded piece to get the head moving.

If the threads are stripped either your a beast or their made from poor materials. Drilling them out is the best option preferably with a drill press and coated bit.

If the screw isn't stripped in any way but the bolt assembly is bound up you probably either cross threaded it or there's been oxidation or uneven stressing of the metal. If I remember right the screws in Mission chassis are aluminum be careful but try adding a little heat to screw to get some expansion and get try a bigger wrench.

Like I said if you know some metal workers or are good at meeting people drop by a metal working shop in the afternoon and ask for some help. If you develop a relationship, they can help you out with all kinds of things hockey and non-hockey related.

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