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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector 10 Roller Hockey Skates

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Ok im a little bewildered here. I just got my USA Hockey magazine and im looking here on page 49 on an ad from inline warehouse and theres these ccm vector 10 roler hockey skates. They look exactly like the 7k\8k\9k pumps but all black and the chassis are the exact same as the rbk's and it looks exactly like a rbk. I cant find any pictures of it on google or anything, i gues the only way you can see it is if you get the usa hockey magazine.

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I highly doubt they'll sell the all black MB816's, be nice if they did though.

Definatly with you there, Rink Rat seem to do heaps of custom coloured wheels for retail skates that you can't buy (the wheels) seperatly. Rather a shame when you consider that some people out there would prefer to replace wheels with the same kind as the original in order to maintain the look of the skate.

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Yeah, wheels companies could make a decent chunk of change if they would sell those certain colors to the public for an extra $2 a wheel or whatever. I mean, I couldn't care less about the color of anything, but there are enough people masturbating over what color their holders are I'm sure that spending and extra $15 to make sure your wheels match your gloves would be no problem for some peole.

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I highly doubt they'll sell the all black MB816's, be nice if they did though.

Definatly with you there, Rink Rat seem to do heaps of custom coloured wheels for retail skates that you can't buy (the wheels) seperatly. Rather a shame when you consider that some people out there would prefer to replace wheels with the same kind as the original in order to maintain the look of the skate.

Although HockeyMonkey are selling the black and red MB816's from the RBK 9K's

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