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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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nj jester79

using 76s instead of 72s

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I currently use a tour sensor chasis, and I use a 72-80 setup. a friend of mine had some brand new rink rats sitting around but they are 76's, does anyone know if they will still work or will it feel weird? thanks for the help


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I am pretty sure you would need to be using a chassis designated for a 76-76-80-80 set up such as the vanguard...I am not aware of any other chassis' that use that set up though.

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the sensor was supposed to be a 76-72-80-80 setup (front to back). No problem with you using all 72, but the second wheel will have an issue if you go with the 76mm wheels.

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the sensor was supposed to be a 76-72-80-80 setup (front to back). No problem with you using all 72, but the second wheel will have an issue if you go with the 76mm wheels.

so it should be a problem throwing 76s as my first wheel on each skate and a 72 as the second correct? what is the advantage using a 76-72-80-80 setup? just curious


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Man, there needs to be a stickied thread with the topic "can I put different sized wheels in my chassis that were specifically desinged to have a given size wheel in them?"

The answer is always No, it won't fit. The exception is when the answer is No, it might fit, but the chassis is designed to have size xx wheel in xx position for optimum performance. By putting that off size wheel(s) in that position, you'll have a wheel not touching, or something else screwy going on.

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As far as i know the only time you can change wheel sizes is if you do it in a ratio. E.g. change all wheels on a hummer to 76 or 72.

The only way to change it on a vangaurd or whatever is to do the same... If you put 72's rather than 76's you's need to but 76's instead of 80's or you'll mess up any rocker/radius type stufff that the boots designed for.

However, if you do you'll probably have a reduced performance rather than improved.

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