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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drop-in/Team Hockey in New Jersey (hackensack)

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I just moved here recently and I am looking to play some hockey either drop-in or on a team. I am in mid-twenties and I have been playing hockey, on and off, for about 5-6 years. Please PM me if any of you know about any drop-in hockey or any team that needs extra player. I prefer playing on the weeknights. Thank you!!

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I was there with my school for a game and open hockey was going on one of their four rinks. (This was a Saturday night). They also have 9 levels of house leagues that play on various days, so you can sort of find a team that fits your skill level and available times. 8b is beginner, 6 and higher there is some good all around talent (for the most part).

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I went there to check the league out yesterday. Talked to Tom and I am now on the waiting list for the league.

So the adults drop-in is already going on? I saw on the website that it starts on Nov 7...I really want to go tomorrow hahaha

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