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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10k

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What's supposed to be on it anyways? I know it's supposed to be muscles and stuff, but.... it just looks weird? Is it supposed to be an arm....?

Yea. That is why it is called U+ meaning its a part of "yoU."

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never seen pics of it, i guess its going to be pretty nasty looking

budro, love the pic. . . fubar is probably the greatest movie ever.

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never seen pics of it, i guess its going to be pretty nasty looking

budro, love the pic. . . fubar is probably the greatest movie ever.


If I got one for free, I would use it just to be that guy.

Edit: now that I saw that response, theres an awesome comeback just waiting.

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never seen pics of it, i guess its going to be pretty nasty looking

budro, love the pic. . . fubar is probably the greatest movie ever.

You probably don't want to see pics... it's that ugly.

And yes, Fubar is hilarious :lol:

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Next year. The U+ Anatomy is the holiday stick for Reebok/CCM

JR What is the reason for that particular stick, I mean it doesn't look to desireable to me, but to each his own I guess.

- Mike

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So I went to my LHS today and they had one and only one 10k shaft in a standard hosel. Flex said 120 on it but it didn't feel like it so I don't know that works. It was only 119 CND too.

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So I went to my LHS today and they had one and only one 10k shaft in a standard hosel. Flex said 120 on it but it didn't feel like it so I don't know that works. It was only 119 CND too.

it was my understanding that those shafts were pro stocks,

there was more than one

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