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Reebok 9k Skate Boot

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My past 2 pairs of skates have been Reebok 9k's pumps (2007 ed.). My first pair were size 8 D, and my current pair are 8.5 EE. While I love the skates especially my recent ones which are pro stock, I've been having recurring problems in the skate boot with both pairs. It happens on my left skate boot on the outer edge right below the lace lock. Its as if my boot is caving in from the lace lock, down to the bottom of the boot. The area in my game where it affects me is when I accelerate and take hard turns, its like my boot is flexing too much forward. Has anyone had the same problem with the 9k boot, or any other skate boot or is it just me? I'm not sure if I explained the situation properly, so if its not clear I'll put up pictures.

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When you say the boot is flexing, is there any twisting or tourquing? If so, I had that problem with my old 9K Pumps... I'd get the laces nice & snug, pump them up to comfort... but when I would try and turn or pivot, the cuff of the boot, per say (top 3 eyelets over the lacelock) would twist a smidge.

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When you say the boot is flexing, is there any twisting or tourquing? If so, I had that problem with my old 9K Pumps... I'd get the laces nice & snug, pump them up to comfort... but when I would try and turn or pivot, the cuff of the boot, per say (top 3 eyelets over the lacelock) would twist a smidge.

There's no twisting of the boot, its more the boot is folding forward. Like when I accelerate quickly the boot gives forward, and the lack of stiffness messes me up.

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had the same problem with my skates.. had to get new skates. the skates creased below the lace lock. it was caused from forward flex.

the problem could have been averted if i skiped the top eyelets. my skates are still functional, but the boot had become soft. so i went out and bought a lower cut boot.

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When you say the boot is flexing, is there any twisting or tourquing? If so, I had that problem with my old 9K Pumps... I'd get the laces nice & snug, pump them up to comfort... but when I would try and turn or pivot, the cuff of the boot, per say (top 3 eyelets over the lacelock) would twist a smidge.

There's no twisting of the boot, its more the boot is folding forward. Like when I accelerate quickly the boot gives forward, and the lack of stiffness messes me up.

I know it's a lower model skate and all that, but my inline 6k pumps have the same problem (now they have a couple of lines where the boots bends forward). I have gone from not lacing the top eyelet up, to not lacing the top two eyelets up; for me this has fixed the problem.

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