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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector 10.0 se vs. Vapor XV Skates

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After not playing for a number of years, I've just gotten back into it, and recently bought a pair of Vapor XVs, which are the best skates I've ever had. I have what I guess is called a low volume foot, and previously liked some Grafs I had, but the Vapors are lighter, stiffer and fit even better. However, in a perfect world, my Vapors would be just slightly shorter. I wear a 7, and the 6.5 is way too small, but my toes still don't quite graze the end of the skate when they're all laced up tight. So, I've read that the CCM Vector 10.0 se was a prettly low volume skate, and there seem to be a few pairs around at good prices now. I know I should try them on, but there's no shops near me with them. My question is, how would a Vector 10.0 se in a 7 or a 6.5 compare to a Vapor in a 7? Years ago, it always seemed like there was about a half size difference in the ccm compared to bauer; that is, a ccm 6.5 fit about the same as a bauer 7, in length. Thanks for any advice.

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I've had Vector 6 skates in 11.5E for the last 2 years, they're too shallow and narrow for me but I haven't had the time or money to get fit until now. Vapor XXXX in 11.5EE are definitely wider in the forefoot and deeper fitting. Heel's about the same.

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I skated in vapor xxx (7.5d) and the ccm vector pro (7d) and the lengths were about the same. The bauer was bit more of a snugger fit, because I have a hot-dog narrow foot, and CCMs traditionally have a wider last then Bauers do. I liked them both though.

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