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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Beach Hockey

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I remember in the summer years ago...I would turn on ESPN 2 and watch a game or two of pro beach hockey. Does anyone really remember this? I know I love the Dawg Pac and Salsa. Every year I asked for a replica jersey from either team. Also the V-form skates they used to market "ice stopping" I loved that, I wish they never took it off. I would guess ratings...anyone have any info on this? I would love to watch another game....And the ramps! If you shot wide it would come back and drop right ontop of the goalie! Also head to toe in franklin equipment....BRING IT BACK!

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Actually "Pro Beach" was a tournament that was played over a couple of weeks, and then aired over a couple of months to make it seem like a season. A big part of the ratings problem..was when it was aired...If I remember correctly it was on about 2:00 am....not many kids were allowed to stay up and watch it. When the RHI was in "full bloom" I remember it also was often only aired late at night..again something I enjoyed, but as a parent was not prepared to keep my son up that late to watch it.

In fact "Pro Beach" is generally considered to be one of the events that has hurt the credibility of Pro Inline Hockey relative to the long term development of that part of the sport. So many who watched it thought all inline hockey was played that way.

I think some ambitious television executives were hoping that the players would start doing "skater" moves off the ramps behind the net, so they could piggy back on the then developing interest in the "X-Games". The players reaction's to this were in general considered to be....WTF????

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I used to watch that all the time back in the day.  It was usually on around 4-5-6 PM here. I kind of miss that b/c the boards were different

You are right about the air time for the first few weeks, but then when they didn't seem to be getting the ratings..it slipped into the late night slot.

We watched it whenever we could, first because it was all the "Pro Inline" hockey (sort of) left to watch on television, and second because we knew a few of the players on the Web Warriors.

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