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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Might be your lucky day - make it worth my time and I'll do the swap for ya - I'm in Miami this wknd. Could roll through Coral Springs on my way back Sunday, obv providing they have the right rivet size. Email is jboucicaut@modsquadhockey.com

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I had my friend take out the rivet, and he says that he has the right size rivets. I went in, and we looked on the wall and saw alt the seperate buckets with the rivets and it looked like they were labeled with even numbers. It went down to 8, but there was another bucket and he said they were sixes. I compared them to a rivet he took out of mine and it looked to be the same size. So I sad what the hell, and I am now in the process of dying them.

JR, if you can swing by Coral Springs, that would be great. Is it possible for you to do a custom fitting while you are here too? Let me know what you need, and I will get it for you. I might be able to get some more guys to get measured to make it ebven more worth your while.

I will PM you also. Let me know. My guy is in the shop after 2pm.

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