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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just wondered how many of you play lax as well as hockey? Box or field? What position do you play for each? I play goalie for both as well as defense and long pole middie for lax.

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Used to be the starting center attack-man for one of the top programs in the nation. Had a huge argument with the coach one day and quit the team right after. Dont miss it one bit.

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yeah i didn't start playing until last year, my freshman year in college. it's definitely a great sport that needs to be made more accesible, everyone i know whos tried it loves it (though hockey is still the greatest sport hands down). hopefully with the rapid growth of the sport more youth and rec. programs will be created so that more people get the oppurtunity to play.

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I was a goalie in HS. Tried playing beer league lax a few years ago and I just didn't have it. For me, at least, I needed to face a lot of shots in practice in order to be decent and that wasn't happening.

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yeah i didn't start playing until last year, my freshman year in college. it's definitely a great sport that needs to be made more accesible, everyone i know whos tried it loves it (though hockey is still the greatest sport hands down). hopefully with the rapid growth of the sport more youth and rec. programs will be created so that more people get the oppurtunity to play.

It's by far the fastest growing high school varsity sport.

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I Played when younger... Second year ever playing i made my local "A" Box team being about 5 inches and 30 pounds above the kids i just ran down the middle of the house holding my stick high up and barrying goals

next year the team wass my age group and a year older and i wasn't good enough to make it... there goes my Lax playinf days

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