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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX blade+ Broken OPS

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Sorry for starting a new topic, I searched and nothing came up, but just wondering if it is possible to fit a Vapor XXXX blade into a broken Vapor XXXX stick. Just the blade is broken so I still have the whole shaft, should I just keep cutting off until the blade fits in?


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You're going to end up losing a lot of length. The XXXX taper is very thin, the OPS and the shaft are not similar in that aspect.

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The XXXX shaft is built differently as they use a balloon which inflats the graphite to create the shape of the shaft. This creates a extremely uneven inner walls to the shaft. As mentioned before Bauers have a extreme taper which makes you cut a lot of the shaft. So put unever sidewalls and a extreme taper together and your barely going to have a stick left when your done cutting it to fit the blade. Flip it around and stick a regular hosel blade in the butt end. USe it as a back up and go buy yourself another stick. Do what i've been preaching for years now, buy the two piece version and you wont have to worry about this problem ever again.

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sounds like ud be better off flipping the stick and putting a one90 blade or something standard in the top end of the shaft, won't perform as well but theres not much you can do

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