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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Boss SKate Durability?

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Hey sorry this will probably seem pretty old now but Im from England so the mission boss skates are only really just coming out over here!

What's the durability on these skates like?

I've always seemed to break inline skates pretty easily, My pro stock S500 carbon boots have held up very well. but its getting time for a new pair.

I play a couple of times a week, games and training

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I can tell you, there will not be a problem with durability. You can skate multiple times each week, block shots, the whole deal. They should break in easily but sometimes may be too stiff for certain people.

Awesome, I prefer stiff skates. I cant stand when boots lose all their ankle aupport. All my friends older skates ive borrowed like CCM's or RBK's have lost their stiffness. but my prostock S500 carbons are still going strong after a couple of years of play!

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The one complaint that I did see on the boards about the Syndicate line were a few complaints about the axels being overtightened from the factory and that resulting in quite a few of the axels being stripped. Other than that most reports have been positive as far as I have seen.

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So what happens? I've just ordered mine.

is it the thread inside or the allen key head bit?

are they still skateable and everything out the box?

I've got a month to break them in before my nationals tournament, and being from England, stuff like that usually takes a while to sort out.

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It was the allen head that would strip not the threads at least I never heard about the threads stripping. If you have a problem contact mission for a replacement set. The other thing a lot of posters were saying is that if you used a Hyper skate tool instead of the mission allen wrench that came with the skates they had fewer problems. If it does get stripped you can use a dremel to cut a slot in the screw head on the axel and use a flat head screwdriver to take them out until you can get new ones from mission. Again this was not the majority of buyers but there were a few reports.

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cool thanks guys!

I've gone ahead and ordered them. I've heard nothing but good things about missions customer care so i'm sure i wont have any issues if i do have a problem with the axels. should be here monday!

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I've emailed epuck for a quote. Hockeymonkey was $80 to the UK. and Epuck always used to be cheaper when I ordered before.

but when you think in England these skates cost £350 at the cheapest. that works out at about $555!

So $240 + shipping +tax isnt too bad!

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Well ATM im recovering from a pretty major injury but when i can play again i will be playing...

U14's & U16's BIPHA

U14's & maybe U16's GBHI

juniors BISHA

all central leagues at either virtual ice or Queens road.

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The one complaint that I did see on the boards about the Syndicate line were a few complaints about the axels being overtightened from the factory and that resulting in quite a few of the axels being stripped. Other than that most reports have been positive as far as I have seen.

Just got the new Commander Black the other day. The axels problem is still apparent. Was trying to swap the wheels with my micros, but was only able to remove 2 wheels from each skate. sigh~

I'm in HK, not sure what to do.

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Wto the shop where I bought the skates from last nite. Asked for an exchange, took a look at 4 pairs, and they all had the same problem. I guess it's a bad first batch from the factory.

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