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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My 12 year old son keeps cracking his shin guards...

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He has been through two sets of shin guards this season. His first set was a pair of Easton 700's and the pair he broke today were Jofa 5090's. Both sets cracked on the knee cap right down the middle. I would like to get him a nice pair, but I know next year he will probably out grow them. He is in 13" pads now and weighs almost 140 lbs...He is 12. He plays very physical, and I want something with decent protection, that won't break the bank. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.



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Yes they jofas were closeout, the Eastons were new over the summer!

I know the cheaper jofas have a tendancy to crack on teh knee cap, but these have only been used about 6-8 times. Maybe I will just fork out some coin and get a decent pair, and when he outgrows them I will deal with that then!



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