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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wheel options

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I'm looking to replace the labeda fuzions on my code carbons. Only wheel I've used where millenniums, before the fuzions that came on the carbons. I'm not liking the feel of the fuzions and have been looking at replacement options. No place locally really stocks that much in the way of wheels so I am going to buy them online. I'm looking at doing a revision setup from the matrix or going with MB rinkrats. I can go either way since I got micro and standard bearings with the skates. I've heard good things about both but more so the rinkrats seem to crack more so...I'm just looking for some input be it praise or horror stories anyone has really had with either.

thanks for the help guys

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I've used Rink Rat Hornets off and on since they came out, and as they've improved upon the wheels and made adjustments to fix specific problems (like wheel explosion from the first batch...), I can honestly say that they are a fantastic wheel, as advertised.

That being said, I'm skating on Revision Variants right now.

I haven't had the Revisions long enough to have them wear badly yet, so I can't compare the two as far as wear goes.... but I am skating on the Golds, which are closer to the Hot Shots, which I had never used.

If you use the optimal wheel for your weight, you can't go wrong with either company.

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Thanks for the input I read both your posts in the review section and with both being good performers i was hungry for some more insight. On the fuzions that came with the carbons I feel myself losing traction on hard turns. That's what got me thinking about the revisions with their selection of duros. I'm 187ish lbs and lean pretty hard on my wheels...I was thinking all gold would be a good option.

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Thanks for the input I read both your posts in the review section and with both being good performers i was hungry for some more insight. On the fuzions that came with the carbons I feel myself losing traction on hard turns. That's what got me thinking about the revisions with their selection of duros. I'm 187ish lbs and lean pretty hard on my wheels...I was thinking all gold would be a good option.

Yeah, I have friends who have the Fuzions, and I haven't heard a damn good thing about them. You'd think Tour would at least slap on some Dynasties or something... lol.

I'm between 200-208 or so and like you, pretty hard on the wheels... and the R.V Gold have held up great, so far.

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I've been flopping back and forth between Revision Bronzes and Hornet XXX. Both are great performers, but the Hornets seem to last longer for me. I go 5'9" 215-220 and have a history of turning Labeda wheels into sandpaper with cores in 4-6 weeks playing twice a week.

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I've been running between Rink Rat Hot Shots and Labeda Dynastys. Some background...I'm about 190lbs. and am hard on my wheels...I have been pretty impressed with the speed & grip of the Hot Shots. I haven't been on them long enough to comment on their longevity. The Dynasty's are definitely above average wheels, but I prefer the Hot Shots for both speed and grip. Good luck on your quest to find some wheels.

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after my fusions died on my carbons i went with the hornets and loved them then they started to crack so i now im on revision platniums. i think i liked the hornets better i dont have as much grip with these.

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My vote is for Revision Variants. I'm about 240lbs and I have been using straight-80mm bronze setup for almost a year and they're still running strong.

Before I bought these wheels, I had Rink 76A Rat Hornets on my, then, Code 1 skates. After approximately 3 games (rotated after every game) and 10 stick times, 3 of the 8 wheels started to split along the plane of rotation and 5 of them started to chunk. Thinking that it was the durometer, I went up to 78A. After 5 games on those wheels, I still had wheels splitting and chunking. Don't get me wrong, before they fell apart, they were great.. they just didn't last very long. Prior to that, I had Labeda Genesis wheels on my Code 1s that were .. adequate. They didn't have a whole lot of grip, but didn't fall apart.

Seeking a further excuse to spend money, I bought a set of bronze Variants and haven't looked back. Going a year of 1 game a week and 1 or 2 stick times, they're still going strong. Admittedly, their starting to slide a little, but I'd imagine it's primarily from wear. This same set of 8 wheels have been my Code 1s, Code Carbons and now my Grafs with Spungs.

For the money, you can't miss with Revision Variants.

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after my third game witht he variants they're starting to feel better. did they feel wierd the first couple of skates? i think im in love.

I totally agree. They feel a little slick and 'different' brand new, than most wheels.

2-3 skates though, and they're like glue.

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after my third game witht he variants they're starting to feel better. did they feel wierd the first couple of skates? i think im in love.

I totally agree. They feel a little slick and 'different' brand new, than most wheels.

2-3 skates though, and they're like glue.

This is the total opposite that I've ever experienced. I think it might be time to order some...

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I replaced the Fuzions on my Carbons after they started to chunk. I'm 6'4" 210lbs. I was tearing up the first and last wheel pretty quickly. I tried Revision Variant Bronze and those chunked out on me after 3 hours of pick up. I was bummed because of the good reviews that Revision has received. I went with a set of Labeda Gripper softs and while they haven't chunked, they are too hard for the sport court I play on. I'm going to give Rink Rats a shot next. A team mate of mine in similar size loves his. The Fuzions had good grip for the first two skates and after that were toast.

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I gave 3 sets of Revisions a try (platinums, gold and combo of the 2 set ups) but just not as good as Hornet Rats IMO.

Revisions are great straight out of the box, but after a few sessions they don't seem to have the same grip as the Rats seems to keep through out their life even when the wheel does start to shred a little.

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Love my Revisions. Been skating on them for years now. If you look up some of my other posts, you can read what I've said about them time and time again. I've skated on other ones out there, but nothing's like the Variants.

Quick background: 200lbs defensemen, skate Hard on them and a number of times a week in ECRHA & PIHA games, practices, etc.

As for the "break-in", yes, there is a 2-3 game break-in period for the Revision wheels. It's more like the player getting used to how the wheel works more then a true wheel break-in period. Once you get the feel, they are Money!!! And i have had an occasional one chunk... but it is a Rarity! Especially if you stick to the matrix.

Anyway, good luck with finding the wheels that work best for you.

Frank~Frank Szilagyi

#21 Pennsylvania Typhoon

#21 Loyola College Greyhounds

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If you need something with a different feel than those labeda wheels you should go with rinkrats. Especially if you like micro-bearings. Depending on your weight you will either need the softer wheels of harder wheels. The harder wheels (not the outdoor kinds, obviously) are perfect for someone who is over 190lbs.

But if you like regular bearings I would recommend the revision wheels.

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Right now I use hornets. Did I hear someone say dynasty? If only I could still get my hands on some sets of the first generation dynasty’s (X-Soft: Red Soft: green).

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Right now I use hornets. Did I hear someone say dynasty? If only I could still get my hands on some sets of the first generation dynasty’s (X-Soft: Red Soft: green).

I picked up some Dynasty's not too long ago at HG. If you really like them...


sizes are limited...

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I was referring to the first generation Dynasty's. They came on the tour G-90 skates.

Right now I use hornets. Did I hear someone say dynasty? If only I could still get my hands on some sets of the first generation dynasty’s (X-Soft: Red Soft: green).

I picked up some Dynasty's not too long ago at HG. If you really like them...


sizes are limited...

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Sorry for bumping this thread, but better then creating my own. Being fairly new to inline and having played ice hockey for a long time. I'm 5'8" 180lbs. What would be a target type sport court wheel for me. Currently I am using a RBK 9k tri-D setup with Hot Shot XXX grip wheels. While I am cornering, cutting and doing fine with crossovers forward and back, I can't for the life of me come to hockey stops (I'm sure only skating on inlines for a month is more of the problem than wheels), Would anyone suggest going to a XX grip wheel so I can get more slide into a stop instead of the XXX? Ive done a number of google and forum searches and for the life of me haven't come to a decent answer in the minute differences in wheels other then them all saying 'Top selling wheel' or 'Built for speed'. Any suggestions or help would be cool.

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If you go to our website at www.revisionhockey.com and read the TORUS technology section it is much more informative as to how our wheel differs from others. I don't think downgrading your grip would be a good idea if your looking to enhance stopping ability.

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