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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cracked Ribs From A Cheap Shot

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Last week, during the first game of the season, I was skating toward the goal, looking for a rebound to come out from the point shot on the opposite site. I felt a stabbing pain in my left lower ribs, and this worthless little snake on the other team had come in from behind and to the left of me, and wound up with either an elbow pad or a butt and smashed me in the ribs behind my arm at about elbow height. It felt like I got shanked. A friend who's a medic in the army took a look at my ribs a few days later, and says "Yeah, looks like they're bruised - suck it up princess, there's nothing you can do but wait." (She's the type who'll tell you that if you're looking for sympathy, you'll find it between 'sh*t' and 'syphyllis' in the dictionary).

Fast forward to yesterday, and gauging how bad my ribs felt on what is gameday, I went to the doc to get them checked. They're cracked, and no hockey for six weeks, which means I don't play until January the way my league is scheduled. I'm f'ing furious at this little turd, and will knock him into next week if I get the chance (I'm 6' and 215, he's 5'5 and 160).

So, venting aside, I'm alternating icing and heating each night, and I'm also able to spin on my wind trainer comfortably to try and keep some cardio and increase circulation to aid healing. Does anyone have any tips to help healing? Or, for that matter, any tips on how to best serve up justice once I'm healed (I'm currently torn between the big hit, or just doing back to him exactly what he did to me)?

Thanks in advance.

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We are not going to allow people to help you plot your revenge. Your stated intention to get back at him could come back to bite you in the ass if you do decide to follow through.

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