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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Elite Blade...

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Has anyone had problems with the SE blades? I have had two so far, and on my first one I had an almost perfect split right down the middle that opened the blade up like a banana. And on my second, once again the toe of the blade has started to do the same, but is holding up alot better. My roommate, who also uses a synergy II with the SE blade had the same problems.

Any input or answer to why its doing that, or is it happening to anyone else (manufacture defect)?

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If I remember correctly, this is the same as the Synergy II blade, which had the exact same problem. Blade cracking down the middle. Easton composite blades seem to lack in durability all together.

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yea I had the synergy II blades and i knew they were the same, but they didn't have that problem. maybe its just a little bit of bad luck, but i dont know

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Yeh me and others on my team hav been going through loads of them se blades they break so easy. the shafts are also very easy to break.

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I haven't had a problem with the new, 2008 model blades. I went through probably a dozen of last years model during last season. All split on the bottom on the heel. So far this season I haven't had a single one split on me although the feel is a little harsher with the new models.

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I've had long term durability using Sherwood RM9 composite blades, both tapered and standards. You can find them in a bunch of different Easton clones, if you want a solid alternative.

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Has anyone had problems with the SE blades? I have had two so far, and on my first one I had an almost perfect split right down the middle that opened the blade up like a banana. And on my second, once again the toe of the blade has started to do the same, but is holding up alot better. My roommate, who also uses a synergy II with the SE blade had the same problems.

Any input or answer to why its doing that, or is it happening to anyone else (manufacture defect)?

I've had the same issue on the heel and toes of my blades. Good to know others are having similar issues. Time to try another make I suppose.

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