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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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PS3 Sixaxis

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I don't remember their being a general PS3 forum and I couldn't really find too much help googling this. I haven't used two of my regular Sixaxis controllers in a few months because I always use my DS3. A bunch of buddies are planning on coming over tonight so I planned on charging them up and they wont turn on at all. I've plugged them in and tried resetting them in the back, but they seem to be done. Has this happened to anyone? Is there any way to fix this?

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I don't remember their being a general PS3 forum and I couldn't really find too much help googling this. I haven't used two of my regular Sixaxis controllers in a few months because I always use my DS3. A bunch of buddies are planning on coming over tonight so I planned on charging them up and they wont turn on at all. I've plugged them in and tried resetting them in the back, but they seem to be done. Has this happened to anyone? Is there any way to fix this?

have you plugged them in a just left them there to charge for a while?

If it's been a while, they're probably gonna need a good charge.... that said, they should be responsive after a few minutes on charge, no matter how dead they are....

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Yeah I think they are plain ol' fucked. Can't seem to get the lights to blink on no matter what.

And pushing the PS button does nothing, with them plugged or unplugged?


What about if you hold the PS button down?

Ah, don't worry. Sixaxis was discontinued for a reason :P

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I hate non-replacable batteries.

My guess would be the batteries died and now will not take a charge. How old are the controllers?

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