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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HECC or CSA approved helmets?

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Trust me - the sightlines on even the worst straight-bar cages are way the heck better than the best certified CSA/HECC cat-eye. The only purpose of those cert cata-eyes is to look faintly pro-ish in the store - which is one sure way to guarantee you look silly and can't see the puck.

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Er, no. Not at all.

The cage on the 1400 is a certified cat-eye. Not only is it a terrible cage with poor sightlines, that is one of the worst and least protective masks ever certified.

The cage on the 9601 is a non-certified pro cat-eye. (ie. illegal in CSA/HECC leagues).

The third kind is a straight-bar certified cage, as seen on the Itech 9600 and 960. This is vastly preferable to the certified cat-eye.

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Woops, you're right - the 1400 is a terrible *straight* certified cage, which is still marginally better than that godawful cert. cateye. In my half-asleep haze I think I looked at those stupid welds in the periphery of the cage and drew the wrong inference. Serves me right for offering advice when I'm catatonic.

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lately ive been seeing a cage that is simmilar to the certified cat but not simmilar. it has a triangle look to the middle of the cage. anyone know about it or had expierence?

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