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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strength Training Through Rockering

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So this morning I reach down to grab the paper and everything from the waist down is burning (insert chlamydiae jokes here) I had this idea to switch my steel out for a drop in last night to normal factory stteel. I skate on an extreme ROP of about 7.5" . Due to the factory rocker settings more steel was touching the ice (im thinking maybe a 9-11" ROP?)... a ton more. So my normal 7/16 cut felt like a 3/8. However, this must mean that my 7/16 cut is actually a half? Anyways, has anyone messed around with this? or did I drink too much coffee this moring?

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Well because more steel touching the ice, it maybe you had to change your stride a bit and thus you used different muscle groups hence your soreness today...I know that a 7.5 radius is good for manuvering and quickness, were a radius of 11 is good for straight line speed. As for me I am used to 9', but since I bought the One95's they have LS2.1 steel which is longer and a 11' radius, so I have been thinking of changing the steel out to LS2 ( 9' ) or having LS2.1 profiled to be 9'.....

So this morning I reach down to grab the paper and everything from the waist down is burning (insert chlamydiae jokes here) I had this idea to switch my steel out for a drop in last night to normal factory stteel. I skate on an extreme ROP of about 7.5" . Due to the factory rocker settings more steel was touching the ice (im thinking maybe a 9-11" ROP?)... a ton more. So my normal 7/16 cut felt like a 3/8. However, this must mean that my 7/16 cut is actually a half? Anyways, has anyone messed around with this? or did I drink too much coffee this moring?

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