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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate footbed/outsole repair

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what do most guys use to repair the footbed after holes are drilled. i've got the grafs and changed to LS2's, but didn't like them so i put the cobras back on. the problem is the guy doing the repair had problems with the holes being drilled and had to use oversize copper rivets. now the rivetheads on the inside of the skate are raised up a bit and looks like crap. is there anything guys use to repair the footbed? can you get the footbed replaced? the boot is very new, but the footbed looks like swiss cheese with all the holes in it.

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When i swapped chassis on my inlines i used a 2 part epoxy. You can still see where it is, but the holes are filled and I believe it helps the rigidity a little bit.

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i'm going to use a two part aircraft epoxy to fill in some holes. it's about $60 for a small tube, but we throw them out when their shelflife expires. i have no doubt this stuff is strong. it is very, very strong. when it's cured it looks like a solid plastic, only harder. it's actually used like bondo to create that aerodynamic smoothness in critical areas as well as other applications. filling the holes with this stuff is the easy part. i think the hard part is going to be drilling the new holes again. a drill bit is going to want to migrate to the softer stuff if there is a hole that is in between the two. this stuff is called hysol which is very hard by itself and microbeads are added to it to make it even harder. i think i'll use the hysol only at first. i'll let you know how it works out.

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