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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new cup

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i took a shot today in the nuts and it wasnt pretty. i know i need a new cup because mines just not protective enough. any suggestions on what to get?

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ive heard that the combo of a normal cup, like a shock doctor as well as a goalie jock works very well to make a double cup (more effective the Epic jock). I have no idea how its better, but thats just what I've heard from a couple other tenders.

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That's exactly what I advise. Don't get some monstrous double-cup jock: get a pair of compression shorts with a cup and wear that under your goalie jock. This ensures that even if your goal jock shifts (which can be a big problem, depending on fit), you're still covered; and if it doesn't, you've got a giant shock absorber (hard foam--cup--soft foam--air gap--cup in your shorts) between you and the puck.

I've been wearing the same low-profile D&R jock for years now, and been royally tagged a few times to little effect. It's all about the TRUE double-cup rig.

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Trust me - it'll be a big improvement, and far less bulky than any off-the-rack double-cup goalie jock on the market.

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I'm impressed that he took the hit like that. I could have a plexiglass wall in front of my stuff, but if i see a big freaking hammer coming at my boys, i'm gonna flinch.

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same thing as law goalie... you can buy a double cup, but personally i have found that the tight compression shorts with a cup underneath an even half decent goalie jock will do the job. just try to get a goalie jock with a decent amount of forward foam to deaden the blow to the protected region as much as possible

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The other thing to stress is the need to find a jock that works with your pants. I tried on an RBK double-cup inside my Bauer Reactors - total nightmare. It was like wearing a corset (or so I inferred). Then I tried an Eagle Double: it drifted off about six inches to the side at one point. Tried a Brown 2000 - no problems. Went back to my old D&R when I got home - almost as good. A jock may feel just fine in the store over your jeans or slacks (I'm assuming nobody wears a suit to try on jocks), but get it inside your goalie pants and it may be a nightmare.

And, of course, you need to check it with your pants to make sure there aren't any holes in coverage. For example: Velocity + Brown 2000 jock = fine; Epic + Brown 2000 jock = broken pelvis.

Generally speaking, if you stay within the same brand & model (Velocity with Velocity, Epic with Epic, RBK with RBK/CCM, etc.) you'll be alright - PROVIDED that you look the overall fit and performance of both. As ever, you'll get the best possible rig if you mix and match, but it takes a while to figure out.

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