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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Advice on gloves.

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I go out and play pickup or shoot around a few times a month, maybe 15-20 times max a year and I'm looking for a new pair of gloves. Specifically I'm trying to decide between RBK 4k's and Easton S5's. I don't play enough to see getting gloves at $60+. I can get the 4k's for $40 or the S5's for $30. Which one would be good for no contact(aside from inadvertent collisions and bumps) unorganized play and just basic tooling around for a couple hours a day? I like both equally. Neither has a standout feature that makes it a clear winner, but I don't really know much about all the different specs on gloves.

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At that level I would choose which feels better with a stick in hand.. thats it. Both gloves will protect how you want.

Its a simple choice to me.

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I have a pair of the RBK canadian team gloves (not a pro-stock, I think it's like the 5k SMU, maybe even a 4k, not sure). I have tried on the Eastons too.

They both feel, at least in my opinion, completely different on your hand. I really didn't like the feel of the Easton, not sure if it was either a wider finger, or something, but whatever it was ,coupled with a more open cuff, I couldn't do it.

The RBK's I like, they are comfortable, snug but not tight. I found the eastons looser, and I don't like that style glove

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