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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2008-2009 Ottawa Senators

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So do they promote from within or do they try and bring in an established head coach? Obviously you still have Hartley and Tortorella still floating around out there

Pat Quinn.

I hope he wouldn't do it though, I have to believe he personally does not like Alfie.

It would kill me to see Pat coach the Sens. I think that that team is completely screwed and needs a complete overhaul. Hopefully Pat (or any other qualified coach) realizes this and stays clear. Can't help but think that its damn near impossible for a coach to change their fortunes. If I'm the owner I look first at the management and second at the players. Obviously something isn't right and swapping coaches constantly isn't helping anything.

Most of my life I would've agreed w/ this statement however I haveto say that Scott howson and Ken Hitchcock have come into Columbus and really gotten things in order in a fairly short time frame -- I've really been impressed.

Hartsburg deserved to be fired in my opinion -- The turnovers and lack of competitiveness from the top tier guys on that team is a result of the coach not holding them accountable -- if you have a contract all done and feel like your job is secure -- if your bench boss isn't on your butt everyday to perform it really easy to get relaxed........

Not to say that this organization hasn't been (continues to be) quite the gongshow -- but as someone mentioned previously -- it's a start -- I expect some more moves -- maybe not quite the Toronto extremem makeover -- but something similar to it for sure.

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