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Vaughn or Simmons - Who makes who?

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I was just browsing on ebay and saw 2 sets of pads. One was the Vaughn Velocity 2 (27") and the other was the Simmons Ultra Light 3 (31"). They were both white w/silver and they were identical with each pad having their name going down the front. Does Simmons make some of Vaughn's pads? :blink:

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Simmons sells minor variations of the Vaughn Velocity and other popular brands and styles under their own brand. Most of these are produced by an extremely talented builder called Boddam, who also has his own designs (into which he does, admittedly, put a little more pride and care). Simmons makes next to nothing on their own. They might still make jocks and mask bags, I'm not sure.

It's kind of a touchy subject in some quarters: a lot of people rag on Simmons as rip-off artists, and their fan-boys have a whole board dedicated to endless praise of their 'refinements'. Neither camp is entirely justified.

Personally, I can't find much fault with Boddam's handiwork, and Simmons' business practices are entirely above board. However, I can certainly understand the frustration of a company like Vaughn in this situation.

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Simmons sells minor variations of the Vaughn Velocity and other popular brands and styles under their own brand. Most of these are produced by an extremely talented builder called Boddam, who also has his own designs (into which he does, admittedly, put a little more pride and care). Simmons makes next to nothing on their own. They might still make jocks and mask bags, I'm not sure.

It's kind of a touchy subject in some quarters: a lot of people rag on Simmons as rip-off artists, and their fan-boys have a whole board dedicated to endless praise of their 'refinements'. Neither camp is entirely justified.

Personally, I can't find much fault with Boddam's handiwork, and Simmons' business practices are entirely above board. However, I can certainly understand the frustration of a company like Vaughn in this situation.

They do make one of the best jocks.

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I find that Simmons gear is pretty up there. I was reluctant to buy there 994 C/A but for the price, it just couldn't be beat. To be honest, one of the things I hate most is the Simmons logo. For some reason, it turns me away and I know the logo doesn't affect performance, but I can't deny the fact that I have the looks of my gear in the back of my mind. That said, I really want to get a set of their UL5 and ask them if they can do white on white for their logo so its less obvious or if they can not have it at all. Again, the prices are pretty nice.

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Simmons copies other's graphics. In my opinion, they are poorly made too.

This is actually a false statement, at least from my limited experience with them and what I have read on other forums, even the forums where Don Simmons is shun upon. They make quality equipment which is also much cheaper than the companies they copy. You can say all you want about them being copy cat but the bottom line is that you often get the same in terms of craftmanship at a much better price. Simmons pro gear is priced at about what it would cost you to buy Senior Vaughn or Rebook gear.. but you're getting pro protection and performance.

I myself have bought the Matrix 3 chest and arm protector and couldn't be any happier. Sure I could pay more than twice as much and buy a rebook or a Brown.. but why?? The construction is very well made on that C/A. Everything is solid, the protection, the straps, the stitches, everything. Sure Boddam may put a bit more passion in his own equipment but you know that he does things right with Don Simmons too as many people are aware of who builds what and botched jobs with Simmons would certainly lose him some business with his own company.

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