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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inline Hockey in Vancouver BC

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Try the PICH league

operates out of richmond ice centre and minoru


-7 levels of play and over 100 teams in it.

Quite fun if you ask me, i captained a group of my friends and we just had a blast.

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uhhh pich is officially over! until next season

you can drive up to langley... which is what i'm doing for the winter season...

and pich is no competition.. the tier 1 stuff is pretty decent.. but when you compare it to langley platinum there is no contest...

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well the drive isn't that bad once you get on the highway!

i would rather drive out to a place with sport court than play in pich a concrete surface anyday

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i live in north vancouver...

north vancouver has sport court during the summer, and then they put the ice back in...

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well...the weather isn't overly bad at ANY time in Vancouver, so is there any drop-in outdoor? I just want to play with people other than those that I know...

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yeah, its not really drop in.. but a group of friends and I always play at queen elizibeth park... its always crazy busy there... so be there early!

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yeah, its amazing how many people actually show up there..

and even if its a LITTLE wet.. then people will still go!

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yeah, its amazing how many people actually show up there..

and even if its a LITTLE wet.. then people will still go!

Sounds like there is enough interest for someone to build another dedicated inline facility more accessible to the city center than Langley....maybe a community sponsored center under on of the inflated "bubbles" so popular a few years ago for tennis in the Vancouver area. I am sure the cost of land anywhere in the greater Vancouver city area, would prove too costly for a private enterprise venture, but maybe something in an existing park funded by the community.

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i've already tried,

right now i'm looking into building 2 facilities... but both are going to cost too much money... i've got investors and i've got 4 or 5 different companies wanting to go in on the deal.. but the price tag on the land is too expensive

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definately need gloves. and id also highly suggest wearing some sorta eye protection. i personally dont like playing at QE. some of the ppl there take things way too seriously for not wearing any equipment. the first and last time iw as there i was chasing the puck into the corner and the guy who was checking me had lost his stick. since it was just a friendly game i figured he'd just peel off and get his stick, but instead he went right into the corner with me and threw and caught me in the jaw with an elbow. later in the game, i was in the corner again and this dude fell down, and while he was falling he swung his stick way wildly over his head and it came down on my shoulder. he didnt do it on purpose but man i was so angry that someone could be so reckless when no one is wearing anything close to full equipment. to me, its not worth it risking injury or losing an eye playing there with ppl who either a)think they are in the nhl, b)suck and are reckless, or c)both. i dunno, maybe playing indoors has made me a wuss.

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Unfortunately what you have observed is all too common in open hockey..and the worst offenders are often those with the least skills...who seem to think they need to let everyone know they might have been chosen to play in the "bigs" if it wasn't for their inability to execute only a few minor details..like skating, passing, shooting or playing any semblance of position.....Generally the higher the skill level the greater the amount of respect that is shown to other players....although this not exclusively true.

We often see it locally when a group of men's players...... who typically play ball street hockey outdoors at some local park...... come indoors..and feel they need to prove how "tough" they are at the local men's indoor league..some how equating stick chopping and flying elbows to a manifestation of skill. Usually that continues until some of the true skilled veterans..many of which have actually played some form of serious ice hockey and quite a few who have played or still play full contact inline, gently take them aside to explain....and if that fails to get the point aside....some major lumber usually ensues....followed by a screaming match, and a great deal of whining about inline being a "non contact" sport. However those who remain generally get the point.

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on that point of men that play street/ball hockey, our league is full of those types of guys... and they don't realize that most of us are all out there to have some fun... we had a game against them, and a lot of our friends came out to watch... (our die hard fans)... so they were cheering for us.. and making fun of the other team/refs... and after the game.. the other teams captain was waiting out in the lobby for our "fans" and they started arguing about how they have no lives and they came out to a beer league roller hockey game to watch... during the whole game this guy was threating our goalie to run him just to get our fans to shut up...

yes very classy..

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so it's a league at QE?

edit: I just went there like at 1:30, and no one was there. That place is really nice...can you just hop over the boards and start playing? or does it have to be supervised by some authority?

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no league...tho some might swear there is one cuz there are so many "teams"

now that school started, most people won't be there till about 4. weekeneds are packed though.

no supervision, yup..it's free just hop on over the boards and play.

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