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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer p106

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I usually use the p106 (gagne/Jokinen).

There is an outdoor rink, with asphalt, right by where I live that has a ton of pickup games over the summer period.

The games are really competitive, so I'd really like to keep using my p106 curve, but have been unable to figure out would be the best solution.

Vapor V2/One50/One55 <-- would it last on asphalt and where could I find it in p106? Seems like most places only have p88, p9 & p92.


A woodblade <- again where can I find it in p106, seems like only the topmodel blades are easily available in p106.

Depending on the construction I'm guessing the One55 could actually be a better option than the woodblades, if the durability is a bit better, but has anyone tried it on asphalt?

Thx in advance.

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Given you are playing on asphalt, I would recommend a ABS blade for wear purposes. That being said, I don't believe NBH makes an ABS blade at this time. I played w/ a Jokinen P106 for a long time (but a couple years ago, I was unable to find the Jokinen and the P106 was not open faced any longer). I have since switched to the Drury in Easton and the P91A in Bauer blades. I hope this was helpful.

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