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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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warrior pro series gloves

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To me the glove and the price resembles the "FUBAR" gloves just dressed up to look like a Franchise series glove. When it comes to money you kind of get what you pay for with Warrior. Not saying the FUBARs are a bad glove at $100 but if you shell out around $200 for the Franchise you'll notice a world of difference. Its like driving a Ferrari or a Ford Pinto!!!

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I just got these gloves for christmas. The gloves have a few cosmetic issues, for example my hands have turned a grayish color from the newness of the black palms, but soap and water easily fix that. They are must more protective than the Franchises, because of the plastic inserts. They are also much more breathable too. The palm is leather but that is okay for me. I find the cuffs like-able as well.It also has an elastic mouthguard holder on the back of both palms. The thumb is excellent, I can't see how your thumb could hyperextend. Feels kind of like the NBH 4 Roll but that is just me.


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i got the normal fubar gloves and i wasnt expecting much for the price but i was greatly suprised when i got them they are a really good glove for the money !

ONLY 1 PROBLEM they are not very protective . atall i got slashed off of an 11 year old ! and it actuly hurt !!

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I've had these glove for about 4 months and they still continue to stain my hands. But other than that they are solid gloves.

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