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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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C/A questions

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You can do a LOT better than that.

Your budget seems to be around $250 - for that much, you could score a nearly-new (or actually new) pro-level Brown C/A off eBay, and probably still have enough left for a 3-pack of pro-stock sticks. For less than half of that, you could get a McKenney (often called the poor-man's Brown, but an extremely good C/A in its own right) from eBay, and spend the rest on beer and pretzels.

Now, I'm not saying the RBK and Itech are necessarily bad C/A's. If you've tried them on and compared them with other stuff on the market (the new Brian's Zero-G is an astonishing piece), sure, go ahead. But if you're buying these sight-unseen, get a Brown: the protection is a cut above and the design is tried-and-true. Well over half the guys who try on an RBK immediately take it off in disgust; I've never seen anyone reject a Brown.

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