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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cado Motus "HiLo"

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Had absolutely no idea where to put this one, so if it's not right go ahead and move it...

Cado motus is a fairly sizable company in the world of speed skating, inventing a few designs that took off in other companies as well, although on of these designs they call "HiLo"... After looking at the frame of a pair of missions lying round just to make sure my suspicions were indeed true, that little TM symbol next to "Hi-Lo" on the frames... Trademark infringement or what’s going on with this?

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It just seems strange to me as they have been using it for a few years now (don't ask me how long, definatly pre 07(I'll consult with some of my friends as to year models of frames...)) and that why would they go to the trouble of using another companies trademark when they could no doubt come up with there own name for a design with relative ease.

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I believe Mission started using them in 1997. I remember getting some shortly before NARCh in Vancouver and at that time we were supposedly among the first.

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