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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Boss Black Gloves

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I am considering getting some Mission Boss Black gloves and was wondering if anyone has these gloves and if they like them? Also what the fit is like? and what the palm feels like?


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the Boss Blacks have the same stretch palm as the Fuel 130.

Fit is somewhere between the Fuel 130 and Supreme One90 glove, snug like the Supremes in the fingers but not as hand hugging across the palm/back of the hand. Not quite as mobile feeling as the Fuel glove either, but no slouch. Taller cuff than both the Fuel and Supreme

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Played with them when I was at the narch tourney in san jose today. the mission rep is there with a huge display.

Gloves were nice but the XX seems a better fit. for me slightly. They are comfy though and as stated great palm.

Going back tomorrow to speak to the other rep to try to get him to sell me another pair of NME skates so I can have 2 :lol:

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