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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Size issue or just break in process?

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First, let me preference this by saying the skates mentioned in this thread are CCM Vector V6.0SE's, and are a size 7.5D.

Ok, so I went for my first skate today after having my skates baked, etc. and after only about 10 or 15 minutes, my inner foot, on the top of the arch almost and bottom, front area of my foot, from the arch across, and finally my back heel, are absolutely DEAD. For better description, consult my pre-school like use of paint on a foot diagram I found. With the exception of the 2nd toe on each foot, (that was there already) the red spots indicate where I'm hurting.


It feels almost like the back outside of my foot and start of the arch inside is being pinched together somewhat. I haven't broken in skates in about 7 or 8 years now, so I am NOT used to this at all, but I do not remember having this degree of pain, especially with the bottom of my feet. I also expected a lot less of issues with the baking, so this is sort of a bummer...

Should I just look to live with it, or should I be possibly thinking about getting a size wider? I know I am not any bigger that my current skate, as there is some room left still for my toes in these and an 8 would be huge. In the new ONE line from Bauer I do know though that I am an 8, and in some ways I am wondering if I got the wrong skates and maybe should've gone with them. I decided on CCM's because I used to wear the old tacks and I figured that my foot would sort of be better off that way.

Anyway, what say you MSH?

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Your arch area could be hurting because you're tying too tight. The outside of your foot could be because the skate isn't wide enough for you or you are skating on a sharpening that you aren't used to. I used to get it when I got my skates done somewhere other than my usual place. The bottoms of your feet could be hurting because you aren't used to the new taller steel and holder that you're now riding on. It could also be a holder stiffness thing that is bothering them. I have had the bottoms of my feet hurt the first few times on every new skate or new set of steel I have been on.

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Obviously the best thing to do would be to talk to a very experienced person in the business of hockey equipment. But those are hard to find so heres my 2 cents. I bought the same skates as you not long ago and had the exact same problems. I just stopped tying so tight in the front/mid region of the boot and went extra tight closer to the top. Also i put the graf inserts in instead of the stock ccm ones, i found that this did wonders. I have had them for about a month now i get on the ice about 4-5 times a week and all of the pains are almost gone due to the skates getting broken in.

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I am in the process of breaking in some new skates myself. I always find there is a little discomfort with new skates.

However, this could be a combination of trying them too tightly and getting used to the new skate. Or maybe they just don't fit.

Perhaps the first thing you can try is different lacing patterns - there have been discussions about it on here before and excellent sites as guides. I would also recommend wearing the skates when not on the ice to get your foot used to them (also a way to try different lacing patterns). I wear mine around the house when not skating for the first little while and it has helped me.

Good luck.

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Yes I was actually going to do that, but I had not heard of different lacing patterns, that may be in my best interest as well. I'll try all suggestions, thanks to both of you. :)

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ive had the same problem with the same skates. I tied them a little looser at the bottom and tighter at the top, added some new insoles and viola, they're pain free now. TBH vector 6's wont take that much breaking in either.

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I think that it's the breaking in process, I baked my s15 and have skated on it for a few days now. After about 10 minutes the inside of my feet hurt pretty good, but after about 5 mins after that, it's fine.

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ive had the same problem with the same skates. I tied them a little looser at the bottom and tighter at the top, added some new insoles and viola, they're pain free now. TBH vector 6's wont take that much breaking in either.

Good to know. I was going to try that today, but unfortunately I couldn't make it to the rink. Is there any alternative lacing you might suggest, or is standard crossing lacing what you use?

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ive had the same problem with the same skates. I tied them a little looser at the bottom and tighter at the top, added some new insoles and viola, they're pain free now. TBH vector 6's wont take that much breaking in either.

Good to know. I was going to try that today, but unfortunately I couldn't make it to the rink. Is there any alternative lacing you might suggest, or is standard crossing lacing what you use?

look round here and you'll find one that'll work ;)

the "over under" pattern is good, line it up so that the spots that are giving you pain go over, that way theres less pressure on the tougne of the skate.

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