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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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There is a substance out there that you can take that will indeed help you grow taller, however, I believe that you have to use it for a very long time, like when you're really young. It is called Human Growth Hormone, and it does work. Scientists inject the kids with it.

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There is a substance out there that you can take that will indeed help you grow taller, however, I believe that you have to use it for a very long time, like when you're really young. It is called Human Growth Hormone, and it does work. Scientists inject the kids with it.

my friend is on that stuff, if he wasnt hed be like 4'2" and ehs 15 now hes like my height maybe a but shorter hes been on it for years thoguh

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There is another supplement that i read about im SLAM magazine (basketball mag). It is a growth formula that you are required to take everyday for half a year, costing upwards of $200. The result is a guaranteed 3-5 inches in 1 year....its supposedly containing concentraited chemical extracts from squid and octopus that stimulates your growth. sounds fishy

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HGH doesn't have any of the side effects that you'd be worried about, but it's not that common for a doctor to put a patient on an HGH regime.

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HGH doesn't have any of the side effects that you'd be worried about, but it's not that common for a doctor to put a patient on an HGH regime.

To realize the effects of too much HGH think ANDRE THE GIANT!!!

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That was also twenty some years ago when not as much was known about HGH therapy. Also, you'll notice that I said it's not too common for a doc to put a patient on HGH. Nowdays it's mostly done on children and young teenagers.

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That was also twenty some years ago when not as much was known about HGH therapy. Also, you'll notice that I said it's not too common for a doc to put a patient on HGH. Nowdays it's mostly done on children and young teenagers.

LOL now you know something's up when the kid belts 75 HRs in tee-ball...

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