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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pond Hockey Advice

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So being from Eastern PA, I've never really had a chance to skate on a pond but the last couple of weeks have been in the 20's so everything here is frozen over.

There is a large pond near my house that someone has cleaned and skates on but being large and deep, I'm worried a bit about skating on it so I may just skate on this smaller, shallower pond instead.

Anyway, how long does it have to be below freezing for the ponds to be safe to skate on? Is there a general rule of thumb?

Also, it's going to be close to 50 today, 40 tomorrow then back in the 20's on Sunday. Will the smaller ponds still be safe to skate on by Sunday?

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I think the general rule for ice thickness is at least 4" of hard ice over calm waters (i.e. NOT MOVING WATER).

With temps in the 50's and 40's, i would find an indoor rink with stick and puck or pick-up hockey.

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