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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis Painting

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Hey guys I have a pair of chassis that I want to get painted. I want them to be professionally done as there is some detail work involved. Where would be the best place to take them?

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when you say there's detail involved... do you mean:

1. artistic detail (like a pattern/design you want painted on them)? in this case try an airbrush artist or specialized powdercoater like www.spectrumpowderworks.com they do some really cool custom paint for bicycles/motorcycles.

2. detail like the intricate shape of the chassis? in this case, you may want to try an automotive wheel refinishing place. they wet-paint and powdercoat strange shapes really well.

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unless you can find blue decals from mission, i'd imagine you'd have to have them stripped and custom painted. spectrum (linked above) does stuff like that... i had them paint a bicycle frame for me and they were able to paint the exact brand logo in the color combination i wanted. if you go that route, i'd imagine you're looking at like a $200-300 job, though. you can always try meticulously masking them and painting yourself, then clearcoating, but that would take a LOT of time and a truly amazing attention to detail.

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airbrush + clearcoat would do the trick, but that may be expensive as well.

i'm kind of a DIY-er, so i'd try masking it and painting myself. probably a decent activity for a rainy saturday... here's what i'd do: put a piece of white masking tape over the whole side of the chassis, then VERY carefully cut out the lettering with a sharp hobby knife (you should be able to see the lettering under the tape with good lighting). then mask the whole rest of the chassis, and spray paint the color you want. carefully unpeel the masking tape when the paint is only 1/2 dry to keep the edges sharp. after it's totally dry, clearcoat it a few times to preserve your work.

if the result turns out crappy, THEN i'd pay to have it professionally done.

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I am looking to paint a set of chassis I recently acquired, in the past I used a brake calipre paint I had left over. Any other suggestions? any trick to doing it?

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i also was looking into painting my chassis (hum'mers)...any reason NOT to paint them??

I just hate the yellow and I'd love to do something unique with them. I have an airbrush for my spfx stuff so i figured i'd airbrush them with car repair paint.

anyone ever tried to REMOVE the paint job? i imagine there wouldn't be much of the original paint job left after but maybe a coat of clear paint between would help with this without making them too heavy. i guess its just hard to destroy an expensive chassis.

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if it was me i mask off the everything but the red then use a razor blade to carefuly get the red paint off then airbrush whatever color you want on there then clear coat it. it would be a lot of work but it beats spending $300 for someone else to do the samething.

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if you want it to look good for more then 2 games then dont paint them. Get them powdercoated, way more durable and most places should do custom work.

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