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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pant shell size

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I've never needed a shell for team play before and unfortunately I need to come up with a royal shell, and fast. None of the local shops around here have one so I'm forced to order online. Should I assume a medium shell will fit (comfortably) over medium pants? I'm wearing a pair of medium vapor pants, would any manufacture line saying its a medium fit over ok or should I try to find a large?

If y'all think I should find a large any help would be delightful because a quick glance around and apparently royal in anything but a small isn't easy to come by when you need express shipping.

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I think the medium should work but you have to make sure you get the pants shell and not a girdle shell, or else it may not be big enough. I'd ask the coach or someone else on the team where to get it from b/c if they're telling you that you need one then they should be able to supply you with a place to get one from (maybe the same shop they get their socks and jerseys from? Or at the very least they may be able to order one for you and try to get it asap?).

Good luck with your hunting.

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