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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS R8 vs 4 Rolls

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I currently have TPS R8 gloves with the FFH palms. I loved everything about them except the durability of the palms. I'm considering either R8's with the Digitech palms or 4 rolls. Which way should I go on this? The only thing that concerns me about the 4 rolls is that from what I've read they are loose fitting. I don't want a glove that's going to be falling off my hand. I hear lots of good things about them though.

Hoping someone can tell me about the Digitech palms and also the fit of the 4 rolls. I'd hate to buy the 4 rolls if they are just going to be too big.

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Yeah, I guess it's all PP... My only real complaint with them was the durability of the palm. It's actually my bottom hand glove on my 2 middle fingers. The glove basically disintegrated. Nothing left to even sew it back together. Never had that happen before. Usually it's the palm of my top hand that wears out, but that's holding up pretty well.

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why not just get the R8s you have re-palmed?

It's a good idea and something I thought about before, but it's just not an option for me because it's the only pair I have. Plus, I just want new gloves!! :D

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I don't think 4-rolls are any more loose fitting than the R8's at least the R8 pro stock. My friend has a pair and I have tried on both and they fit very similar at least the 13" in both fit similar to me, but when I tried on the 14" of both, the 4 rolls was definitely very loose and felt too big. I usually play in loose 14" Eagles but the 14" 4 rolls felt way bigger than those, yet the 13" felt about the same.

Have you considered XXXX pro gloves? I just got these gloves and they feel amazing. They have the same palm as the 4-rolls but a tighter fit than the 4-rolls. Only problem is they are not a 4-rolls looking glove.

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I don't think 4-rolls are any more loose fitting than the R8's at least the R8 pro stock. My friend has a pair and I have tried on both and they fit very similar at least the 13" in both fit similar to me, but when I tried on the 14" of both, the 4 rolls was definitely very loose and felt too big. I usually play in loose 14" Eagles but the 14" 4 rolls felt way bigger than those, yet the 13" felt about the same.

Have you considered XXXX pro gloves? I just got these gloves and they feel amazing. They have the same palm as the 4-rolls but a tighter fit than the 4-rolls. Only problem is they are not a 4-rolls looking glove.

Thanks for the info. I'll have to check out the XXXX gloves.

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