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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Shops in Central/Northern NJ

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Where are you at? Consignment sports on rt nine in howell has a pretty good selection for inline, probably the biggest variety i have seen around here in a while. There is also a new place in middlesex, nj "Just Hockey" that seemed to focus on the roller side of things- i'm pretty sure one of the guys from that shop is on here, too. Ed k's up on rt 10 had some roller gear too

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I'm in Summit, so Howell might be too south for me. Middlesex is near enough and so is Rt 10 and So. Bound Brook. Thanks for the info.

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If you're in Summit, stop by the Beacon Hill Club. You go back by their rink and there's a nice, public pro shop in the bottom floor of what I believe they call the Carriage House.

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Hockey Haus in bound brook is definately the best LHS in central jersey for Ice stuff and for customer service, can't believe I forgot about him, although there's not much in the roller side of things

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does just hockey have a website ?

not sure about website, but I'm pretty sure one of the shop guys is "justhockeykid" on here, shoot him a PM

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just hockey does have a website: http://www.justhockeynj.com/

prices on skates are a bit high compared to what you can get online. i just picked up a pair from them this weekend, very nice people, very good service. said they were always willing to adjust skates and check on them for me, so for the cusomer service side alone, worth the extra bills (even though i dont plan on having them do that, but for a beginer there is some nice piece of mind for that). they generally carry middle to lower end gear there. has as solid selection of roller stuff and some consignment items.

also went to hockey haus, very nice staff there as well, but strictly an ice store.

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Just Hockey is a good choice, Hockey Haus is good also. Valley Sports in Sterling has tons of experience. As for selection, service, knowledge, and price, your best bet is Middlebury Sports in Morristown or Randolph. I'd avoid Ed K's (now Sports Plus), as they just don't have the experienced people to pass on any knowledge to the kids that service you.

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