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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wobbly Skate?

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Did you try taking the steel out, 'reseating' the blades?

Bent steel, misaligned holders is not a problem unique to Easton. Many skates are bad out of the box, and as someone noted just a slight blade bend will give you that glide wobble. The effect of a misaligned holder is even more pronounced. Is there a good skate sharpener in your area-if so ask him to inspect the skates.

Can you borrow a friends skates that fit-if so we could eliminate you as the prob ;) If you get another pair that fit go to a public skate, try both pair while doing one legged glides btw B lines and you will know right off if one of your Eastons is bad.

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Did you try taking the steel out, 'reseating' the blades?

Bent steel, misaligned holders is not a problem unique to Easton. Many skates are bad out of the box, and as someone noted just a slight blade bend will give you that glide wobble. The effect of a misaligned holder is even more pronounced. Is there a good skate sharpener in your area-if so ask him to inspect the skates.

Can you borrow a friends skates that fit-if so we could eliminate you as the prob ;) If you get another pair that fit go to a public skate, try both pair while doing one legged glides btw B lines and you will know right off if one of your Eastons is bad.

Was never an issue with my old skates (Supertacks).

I have reseated the blades before. I also have a second set of steel (from an ice to roller conversion), I'll give that a shot this weekend.

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