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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone with a Wissota 911 sharpener - quick question

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I recently bought a Wissota 911 sharpener and I have a dumb question. I was following along in the manual and I took off the radius arm to calibrate the diamond to a known radius using a ruler (instructions page 4). When I took off the radius arm, I didn't notice that there are actually two sets of holes on either side of the cover that the radius arm could potentially screw back into. The holes further toward the front look like regular holes and then the holes a little further back look like they have an insert in them.

Does the radius arm go in the holes further towards the front on the cover, or the holes a little farther back with the insert?

Next time I will pay more attention to what I am doing :)


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Pretty sure they go in the front set of holes. To check, all you need to do is set the diamond to your last hollow setting and see if it follows the wheel curvature. Or you can dress it to say 1/2" and make a little touch cut on a skate with say 1/2" hollow, and see if it matches.

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Give the folks at Wissota a call, they provide very good customer service. At least they did when I had an ancient machine a few years back.

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