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Shell for a Mission girdle?

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I've been playing roller more so have been using a Mission D1 girdle for that. I'm going to be changing back to ice and need to get a few things first. One is to decide if I can (or want to) use my Mission girdle if I can with a shell instead of getting new pants. I have never used a girdle/shell combo before for ice so I didn't know if you could mix a shell with a girdle or whatever.

Anyone else out there using a Mission girdle with a shell, or know if it can be done? I'm going to look at some inexpensive pants also but figured if I have the girdle and am used to it then I could maybe save a few dollars (but possibly not) if just buying a shell.


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I am getting back into the sport after a long layoff so my advice if you want to call it that may not be on par, however I am sure someone else will chime in to help as well.

Back in the late 90's girdles where used often when I was playing high school, and club leagues, because every team had different colors, it was easier for the parents to purchase different shells rather then a new pair of pants per team.

So I would think it would be no problem to use a shell with a girdle for ice hockey. HM has shells by CCM, Bauer, Easton, etc... My only concern is, is your girdle protective enough for ice hockey, if it is, then no problem, buy a shell and your off.

Hope I was helpful

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My only concern is, is your girdle protective enough for ice hockey, if it is, then no problem, buy a shell and your off.

That's what I was thinking as well... I'm not a roller hockey guy but from what I've seen of roller hockey girdles they're really not much more than padded compression shorts. Ice hockey girdles seem to have more all around padding as well as hard plastic pieces in certain areas (again, not sure if roller hockey girdles have them but from what I can see they don't look like they have much). If the padding in your existing girdle is sifficient then a cover for them would be the way to go, if you wanted something more protective then you could find a new set of pants for around $50+ or a new ice hockey girdle & shell for around $100+ (estimates from what I've seen on internet sites and in my LHS, they don't really make "cheap" girdles).

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You guys are making some sense. I'm so used to just playing and knocking around that I hadn't thought about whether the girdle was enough for ice hockey (though it does have good protection). Even though I wouldn't be playing in a check league, it would be good to have more protection.

I'll look around at girdles and pants to see what works best for me. There are only so many places for me to look around here to get an idea of fit, etc.


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