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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Pad Length Question

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Hi Guys, I'm trying to track down a pair of shinpads that fits slightly shorter than a standard 14''. The porblem I am having is that the 13'' pads are often too narrow in the knee and lower leg area (I have stockier legs), but I like the overall length better in a 13''-13.5'' pad. Does anyone know of any options that might run a bit shorter in a 14''? In the past I've worn bauer lightspeed pads. Any help is appreciated....thanks.

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A friend of mine used to have the same problem. Bauer used to have a 13" senior pad, you might want to check out the catalogs and look to see if anyone makes shins in a 13" senior.

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