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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Identify my CCM inline skates? Wheel sizes, etc? Are they self-made?

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I'm a hockey newb, and I got a ultra-cheap pair of used skates that actually fit me (thank god!) because there are literally no sports stores anywhere near my location. I had been playing in Target-brand skates, yikes.

So anyway I need to replace the wheels.

They are adult CCM skates, the text on the back of the skate says "Ultra Pro" and it just says "Pro" on the side with a lightning bolt next to it. Are these ice skates converted to inline?

I'm curious what wheel sizes to get. I don't want to just go with measuring the ones that are on there because they are so worn and could have been wrong from the beginning. So far my clues point to 76-76-68-68.

Also, if anyone could place an approximate age on these skates that'd be great, I couldn't find them online.




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Yes, your help was... helpful. You didnt sound 100% sure so I thought I'd ask another place as well. If you were 100% (especially about the play-it-again special make?) then I apologize and feel free to delete this thread.

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Why don't you take the insole out of the boot and check for additional mounting holes in the skate? That would tell you if they have been converted in the past.

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