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RBK 6K Turco Flex pads inside flaps

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I'm just wondering if the pad's top flaps are supposed to be loose around you thighs or tight? or is it supposed to be tucked underneath ur goalie pants?

whenever i go down to a butterfly, it always get suck underneath my goalie pants and when it affects my movement whenever i get up.

im not taking about the sideflaps but the top flaps that is hidden behind the pads.


the top part

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The 6Ks come with thigh boards and those are meant to be worn outside of your pants. If they are constantly getting hung up then you need to experiment with how tight you are strapping them. It is possible that you have them overly tight and that is causing your issues.


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Some guys just never get used to thigh boards and end up removing them. This is fine, you just need to purchase additional knee/thigh protection in that case.

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Agreed - ditch them and buy knee-pads. You'll get better mobility and better protection, since the odd shot will still sneak past a thigh-board. The only thing you may need to do, if you get knee-pads, is loosen or completely remove the knee-lock on your pads.

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does all NHL goalies uses knee pads? cuz i cant seem to find a picture of them with the thigh pads flopping around lol

They were outlawed a season or two (or five? where does the time go?) ago I think.

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I think they were outlawed even before the lockout. Giguere's were especially flagrant, and I think it may have been put in prior to the other reductions in the dimensions and features of goalie equipment.

I don't know of a single NHL goalie who doesn't use knee-pads. It would be stupid not to. One lucky shot and your season (if not your career) is over.

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