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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S17 Durability (stick)

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I have been using a Warranty return S17 i purchased off a friend (stick never saw the ice before me) for about 8 weeks, twice a week.

The blade has begun to go soft on me, and I was wondering if this is a common problem or if im the only one. (I can hear crackling in the blade when i put force on it with my hand, and the toe opens up slightly also)

By far the best stick i have used, Just not in the budget to spend 200 every two months on a stick.

Any durability reviews on the One95? I tried one out and liked it almost as much as the S17.

thank you guys,


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In my experience the vapor xxxlite was the only stick that has broken faster than the s17. My s17 blades went soft quickly and both broke just above the taper area after less than 10 times on the ice. I'm also very hard on sticks so take that into account. Still a great shooting stick though.

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