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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey My names Chris I live in New York.. I'm a New York Rangers fan but little by little Slipping away because they cant win.. My fav hockey palyers are Alexander Ovechkin, and Brandon Dubinsky.. I play AA hockey at the Bantam Major level ive been playing Hockey since i was 3 Im here to learn about equipment and most likely help for buying new equipment such as skates, sticks, etc.. Im Looking foward to talking to members here =]

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Welcome, i just joined the forum too, but i'm into gear and spend hours researching so if you wanna be more specific i'm sure lots of people can help u.

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Yeah Im interested in the Pro stock sticks i want to start collecting and my Vapor 40's give me blisters IDK why either there to small or not tight enuf

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Welcome to the site...you will find plenty of pro stock talk and info being exchanged...good to have you on the site and I'm just about to pack it in this season as a NYR fan myself...

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Hey My names Chris I live in New York.. I'm a New York Rangers fan but little by little Slipping away because they cant win.. My fav hockey palyers are Alexander Ovechkin, and Brandon Dubinsky.. I play AA hockey at the Bantam Major level ive been playing Hockey since i was 3 Im here to learn about equipment and most likely help for buying new equipment such as skates, sticks, etc.. Im Looking foward to talking to members here =]

Rangers fan here as well. No matter what team or sport you are a fan of, you should never lose your allegience just because they underperform. Stick it out. Don't jump ship onto a bandwagon.

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Hey My names Chris I live in New York.. I'm a New York Rangers fan but little by little Slipping away because they cant win.. My fav hockey palyers are Alexander Ovechkin, and Brandon Dubinsky.. I play AA hockey at the Bantam Major level ive been playing Hockey since i was 3 Im here to learn about equipment and most likely help for buying new equipment such as skates, sticks, etc.. Im Looking foward to talking to members here =]

Rangers fan here as well. No matter what team or sport you are a fan of, you should never lose your allegience just because they underperform. Stick it out. Don't jump ship onto a bandwagon.

Thats easy to say when you aren't trying to support the Lions.

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Rangers fan here as well. No matter what team or sport you are a fan of, you should never lose your allegience just because they underperform. Stick it out. Don't jump ship onto a bandwagon.

Thats easy to say when you aren't trying to support the Lions.

Or the Seahawks for that matter...

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