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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Darel 17

Weight/Vanek curve.

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Hey just wondering if anybody out there has used this curve and how they like it?

I'm thinking about picking one up and wanted to see what people thought. Also if you could point out some some characteristics of the pattern like how it shoots/handles/passes. Thanks a ton,


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It's relatively flat, slightly open at the heel, and a bit of curve/kink at the mid, but all very subtle. Probably one of the flattest blades out there. Kind of long. Semi square toe.

It plays like a Forsberg but with a hair more curve and/or loft. My slapper was good, wrist shot was good, backhand was great, passing and draws were great. Definitely a good curve for a guy who takes a lot of draws and/or more of a passer. With a whippy shaft and good technique, you can have good shots, but I like a bit more curve for wristers.

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I just picked up a Weight Inno Maniac. I am enjoying the curve. I used the Sakic briefly and had been using the Iginla mainly, and I feel this curve is a good mix of both. A bit more open toe than the Iggy, but not as open as the Sakic. Good for shooting, excellent for passing (at least to me).

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I have a weight dolemite and i like the feel and the curve but the lie is just too low for me and the fact the blade is so flat does not help. I came from a easton sakic which is much more upright and has more rocker on the blade. So the point is if you don't like a low lie this isn't the stick for you.

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