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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What wood blade nd shaft combo the best

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I use, brown easton ultra lite with standard easton wood blade

tapered Gear Hornet shaft with tapered NBH blade some sort of vapor

bauer vapor ops cut to fit XXXlite blade.

The ultra lite is stiff so I like it for defense awesome for slapshots. great for passing too, is a very rigid, dependable shaft (cheap too! traded a bauer 1000 wood stick to get it!)

The gear stick is my favorite for forward, the snap off of it is awesome, its 85 flex tapered, not flashy in the least (other than being white) the blade has been curved numerous times, don't know if its recognizable as any sort of curve other than huge.

The vapor has not been kind to me lately, its been put in the corner. the less I say about that stupid thing, the happier i'll be.

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I'm using a pro stock polar fibre Dolomite with a Bauer 7500 wood blade. Its a light combo, but I feel like the blade is too flexy.

I'm considering a vapor XXXX woodie, but haven't pulled the trigger. Thoughts on the XXXX wood blades?

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I'm using a pro stock polar fibre Dolomite with a Bauer 7500 wood blade. Its a light combo, but I feel like the blade is too flexy.

I'm considering a vapor XXXX woodie, but haven't pulled the trigger. Thoughts on the XXXX wood blades?

I like the 40 blade. It went soft somewhat quickly, but that was skating everyday in season, all in all can't go wrong for $24.

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I've got Easton Ultra Lite (White) and ST shafts paired with Easton's Fibre Plus blades. Absolutely solid.

The shitty thing, however, is that finding two wood Easton blades with IDENTICAL patterns seems to be more difficult than one would assume. If they press multiple blades at a time using a "stacking" type technique, I wish they would stop.

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mission m2 with various pro stock wood blades, love this stick. i have a l2 grip as well painted as a m2 but oddly enough i don't like it at all.

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Tapered shafts generally have lower kickpoints, and have the potential to be generally less blade-heavy, depending on the blade you put on. What are you looking for in a shaft or blade? That will help people answer your questions with actual advice, and not just talk about what they use themselves.

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A slight bump for a month old thread but I was wondering if anyone could follow up. I was looking at the XXXX blades on icewarehouse and they look like an interesting option. Has anyone here used them extensively and can give them a review?

Also, would I see a huge degradation in shot speed going to a wood blade? I haven't used a stick with wood in it since the original Synergy came out (OPS's and composite blades). Right now I'm using a one95 OPS and love it but at this point in my life I don't think I can justify ~$200 on a stick. I'm thinking a tapered shaft (not sure which one yet) and the XXXX wood blade.

Thanks in advance for the help.

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I've used the XXXlite, which I think is probably pretty close to the other high end woodies in the vapor line... Anyway, I think that getting a louisville tapered wood blade would do you well. I just put in a nash curve and it's by far the best feeling blade I've used in tapered shafts. It is stiff and has excellent responsiveness.

If you can't anymore of those, I would go with the bauer stuff, they seem to have to best dependability across the board (most of the time)

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I'll throw in my two cents and say of the easton pro, one80, montrealand christian brothers blades that I have used I definitely like the Christian blades the best. I would highly recommend these blades which are also made in the USA in MN

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