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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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se16 s15 comparison

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Both skates are amoung the lightest skates on the market but I believe the S-15's are a touch lighter than the SE16. The difference is pretty negligable however so I'd get the one that fit the best. I myself like Easton equipment but please be aware there have been some durability issues with the Easton skates but a lot is mostly of the cosmetic nature. The leather parts are glued to the composite boot and they tend to come off. They can be glued back on however with a decent epoxy glue. I myself have not experienced this problem with my 1300C's or Stealth 11's but there are others who have documented this problem on this site. As previously stated, this is mostly cosmetic and doesn't effect the overall integrity of the skate so their not a bad choice. They should last you as long as any other performance skate on the market.

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Both skates are amoung the lightest skates on the market but I believe the S-15's are a touch lighter than the SE16. The difference is pretty negligable however so I'd get the one that fit the best. I myself like Easton equipment but please be aware there have been some durability issues with the Easton skates but a lot is mostly of the cosmetic nature. The leather parts are glued to the composite boot and they tend to come off. They can be glued back on however with a decent epoxy glue. I myself have not experienced this problem with my 1300C's or Stealth 11's but there are others who have documented this problem on this site. As previously stated, this is mostly cosmetic and doesn't effect the overall integrity of the skate so their not a bad choice. They should last you as long as any other performance skate on the market.

They've apparently fixed the glue issue on the SE16 whites along with the toecap issue.

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